The Sun implies that this PR campaign is needed to bolster trade relationships with the US. The article actually quotes a military attache at the Canadian Embassy as saying: "There's often criticism down here that Canada is not pulling its weight on security. We beg to differ" and "The events that happened at Khandahar are brutal evidence of our commitment to the war on terror. We are spilling Canadian blood."
I find this absolutely chilling and I ask again: "Where are we going with this? And, why?".
Dear MP Warawa:
I am writing to you as a concerned resident of the federal riding you represent. I recently discovered that the federal government is advertising its military presence in the US. Please follow the attached link
I am very uncomfortable with the military direction that Canada now seems to be taking. This advertisement is adding to my concerns.
Why are we spending money on this? Do you support the change of Canada's peace-keeping role to what now seems to be an increasingly aggressive military stance? Were you aware of the spending taking place on this ad and related website: What is the "endpoint" or positioning of our military that this government has in mind?
We used to be respected internationally as peace-keepers. Is this role changing?
I would appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time.
Yours very truly,
Kim Richter.
Kim Richter is in her 3rd term as Langley Township Councillor and also is a Professor of Business at Kwantlen University College. She holds a masters degree in health administration and was a health care management consultant.....
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