Thursday, January 24, 2013

Councillor David Davis Says a Strong No to the Ward-Sparrow Councillor Muzzling Motion

After watching the above video, if you are concerned about this restriction of democracy in Langley Township please write a letter or e-mail  to The Editor of the local & regional newspapers and express your concerns about  the anti democratic Ward-Sparrow Councillor Muzzling Motion.

Curious how Councillor Richter was the only Councillor called out of order yet the other Councillors spoke to the motion and were not called out of order.

Richter maintains the Ward-Sparrow Councillor Muzzling Motion violates Section 2B (Freedom of Expression) of the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

Once Again Langley Township Council Restricts Freedom of Expression with More "Good Cop - Bad Cop" Tag Team Games To Muzzle Councillor Richter

After watching the above video, if you are concerned about this restriction of democracy in Langley Township please write a letter or e-mail  to The Editor of the local & regional newspapers and express your concerns about  the anti democratic Ward-Sparrow Councillor Muzzling Motion.

Curious how Councillor Richter was the only Councillor called out of order yet the other Councillors spoke to the motion and were not called out of order.

Richter maintains the Ward-Sparrow Councillor Muzzling Motion violates Section 2B (Freedom of Expression) of the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms.