Reliable sources reveal that a new local 'concerned taxpayer group' of prominent and active Langley community residents had a meeting Saturday night in a well known Langley home owner's kitchen over several pots of coffee, tea and cookies. Apparently they are forming some sort of watchdog, taxpayer advocate or concerned taxpayer group as a result of unchecked spending and ever increasing taxes and a real favorite of this Editor's, concerns re public project cost overuns amongst other things. I'm told that they plan to start up a major movement over the next 6 to 18 months.
They also plan to expand the organization to include like minded concerned community activists. (If interested or if you want to give them some advice let this Editor know and I will forward your name & comments). They apparently have picked a spokesman already who I am told has always been very controversial politically and is well known locally and have even chosen an appropriate organization name. The source did say that the taxpayer group had tentatively been named which believe it or not would be only four letters starting with F---! Knowing this source very well I know it could not be what you and I are thinking it is! We don't know all the details yet but can assure you that we were told that the Mayor and his Council slate have not been included!...
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