Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"And Our Taxes Went Up" - Advance Editor

Sticker shock is coming just in time for July 1st! Property assessments are already out and the next shoe to drop will be the Township tax bills expected to be mailed out by the current Council of spendthrifts in May/June. LFP predicts that a taxpayer revolt is brewing and brewing strongly. Today's Langley Advance Editorial is the latest weather vane just as was last week's Langley Times Editorial. Despite their biases to some of their favorite council members, the local papers do finally get it!

The storm clouds are forming. The cold front of this tax, spend and borrow council is about to collide with the warm front of the veteran Township residents, rural residents and especially the seniors of Langley Township who will respond strongly to the 'sticker shock'. What this old boys club Council has not yet fully realized is that these are the voters that will get out and vote and mark their x's on the ballot in two years. They will see the current Township tax bill which will include the 5% tax Township increase, the assessment increase, the GVRD tax increases, the translink tax increases etc. all as the direct responsibility of the Alberts council slate. They unlike the new residents of Willougby will definitely vote and they will have a big grudge because many of them are seniors who are closer to being forced out of their homes.

The pathetic attempt at trying to mask this tax grab by reducing it from 6% to 5% is a desperate public relations ploy on the part of some Councillors that this Editor predicts won't work. Imagine if the sole opposition critic, Cllr. Richter, were not there - the tax hike would have definitely increased by +6% and no masking attempt would have been neccesary or even entertained.

This Editor especially enjoyed the Langley Advance's editorial comment about the 'muti-million-dollar concrete box' (MAP Grandstand).

Cllr. Richter has told this Editor that she has never received as many calls from long term Langley residents. They all tell her that she should not give up and to keep on fighting against this tax, borrow and spend Mayor & council.

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