Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Langley Hotel Tax Shot Down A 2nd Time!

LFP supports Wally trying to bury the hotel tax once again against the good ole boys at Township council. Remember David vs Goliath? Well guess what the combatants came out of their opposing corners for round two, bloodied their noses and basically drew to a draw but Wally is still slightly ahead in points!
For those who forgot the history review these previous postings;

Last night Township staff met with the Langley hotel owners to present to them the Langley Tourism Plan and had them vote on it.

7 of the 9 hotel owners came; the same 2 owners as before did not show.

Of the 7 owners present, 4 were in favour of the tax and 3 were against. The 4 in favour represented 302 rooms of the total 568 rooms, or 53.2%.

For the vote to pass for the new tax the following must be met:

1) more than 50% of the owners show support; and
2) more than 50% of the total rooms show support.

The results from last night’s votes fail test number 1 and pass test number 2.

The Township staff have decided to go directly to the other 2 owners to obtain their vote. LFP wonders how fair is it for Township staff to after the fact try to solicit one more vote in person. Is this really fair? The vote failed in LFP's opinion. Now let it die. A 75% turnout is almost double the last Township municipal election. Let the results lie, the tax vote failed pure & simple. Otherwise let's vote every day until the ole boys club gets their tax! Or for example why not after the next municipal election let all the candidates who lost solicit those who did not vote until they get elected! This Township process is flawed and one sided and just plain ridiculous!

One thing LFP figures is that everyone has learned that Mr. Wally Martin of Traveller's hotel deserves a lot of credit in fighting this battle against taxes and bureaucracy. Go Wally Go! What is going to happen in round 3? Whatever happens you can bet your bottom $ that Wally won't let go of this tax bone.

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