The Globe & Mail reports that "Mr. Kinsella was paid $297,000 by BC Rail between 2002 and a 2003. There is also reference to a bonus of $201,512 to Progressive Holdings (Kinsella's firm), but it was not clear if that was an additional payment." They also report that "Mr. Kinsella got a call from David McLean, head of CN, saying "the deal was at risk" and asking for help." Mr. Patrick Kinsella was former BC Liberal Party 2001 & 2005 campaign co-chair and B.C. Liberal insider.
Journalist and commentator Bill Tieleman on his blog in detail says, "Defence lawyers in the B.C. Legislature raid case made a bombshell allegation Thursday that Premier Gordon Campbell met with BC Liberal 2001 election campaign co-chair Patrick Kinsella and David McLean, CN Rail's Chair, to discuss the $1 billion B. C. Rail deal before CN was announced the winning bidder." Bill also plays 20 questions on his blog as well here with "What did BC Liberal Party insider Patrick Kinsella do for BC Rail for $297,000 - let's play 20 questions".
Meanwhile according to Bill Tieleman , "Premier Gordon Campbell, Attorney General Wally Oppal and Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon state they can't say anything about Kinsella's B.C. Rail role because it is "before the courts" when B.C. Rail and Kinsella released statements and Kinsella is not under any investigation related to the David Basi and Bob Virk trial, the two government aides facing corruption charges."
LFP previously reported on this with links to the Province Michael Smyth editorial and Vancouver Sun Vaughn Palmer editorial. All the links and stories in this posting are an excellent primer on this whole affair and highly recommended reading....
A Langley public forum for political & editorial opinions, discussion and news. Our priority is to share information and discussion about the community with the community. Bob Richter is the sole Editor, publisher and administrator of LFP. Langley Free Press Home Page
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Land commission, pushed by court, has new rules (Times Colonist, 24 Mar 2009, Page A1)
ALC Commissioners MUST "recuse themselves from any decision that involves their neighbours,relatives or business associates, according to new conduct rules." ! "Colin Fry, commission executive director said, “We believe it’s a lesson learned on the appearance of bias and how it’s defined.” He further says, "It will be up to individual commissioners to declare their conflicts, said Fry, who added he’s “very confident” they will do so because of a recent “refresher course” on the subject."
So should ALC Commissioner Mr. Tomlinson recuse himself from his previous and and future decisions on the Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere now based at least on 'appearance' especially after the refresher course? Many thanks to LFP reader Mr. Holcombe for this lead. Thanks! See full Times Colonist article below. Click either picture of newspaper or read more for full content.
Times Colonist
24 Mar 2009
Agricultural land commissioners, who decide the fate of farmland across B.C. and Vancouver Island, must now recuse themselves from any decision that involves their neighbours, relatives or business associates, according to new conduct rules. more...
Lfp's Poetry Spot - Featuring "bad poet" - WE ALL GOT SCREWED
WE ALL GOT SCREWED - by 'bad poet'
We went to a meeting-many hundreds and I
Looking for changes-oh how we did try
But there was no way of changing the minds of those six
Cause those councilors there were all up to their tricks
A number of people- there must have been eight
All had enough gumption to step up to the plate
To try and persuade the powers that be
This is not a good project-oh why can’t you see
The good people of Milner will suffer I’m sure
And the rest of us surely will wind up as poor
But Bateman and Ward and Foxy don’t care
As long as Mayor Green looks foolish up there
Thery’d vote for the devil if they though it would help
Its all Mayor Green’s fault they constantly yelp
As Ferguson said in the paper today
We’ll teach him a lesson and keep him at bay
So they voted the same with a smirk and some chatter
To teach all us people our opinions don’t matter
So in summing this up I’d never beleived
The utter contempt Jordan Bateman received
While our good Mayor Rick Green got a standing ovation
And it looks like to me a good election foundation
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
We went to a meeting-many hundreds and I
Looking for changes-oh how we did try
But there was no way of changing the minds of those six
Cause those councilors there were all up to their tricks
A number of people- there must have been eight
All had enough gumption to step up to the plate
To try and persuade the powers that be
This is not a good project-oh why can’t you see
The good people of Milner will suffer I’m sure
And the rest of us surely will wind up as poor
But Bateman and Ward and Foxy don’t care
As long as Mayor Green looks foolish up there
Thery’d vote for the devil if they though it would help
Its all Mayor Green’s fault they constantly yelp
As Ferguson said in the paper today
We’ll teach him a lesson and keep him at bay
So they voted the same with a smirk and some chatter
To teach all us people our opinions don’t matter
So in summing this up I’d never beleived
The utter contempt Jordan Bateman received
While our good Mayor Rick Green got a standing ovation
And it looks like to me a good election foundation
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Langley Township Council Approves For Public Input Another Record Breaking 5% Tax Hike !
Langley Township Council this afternoon in their budget deliberations meeting ignored the Mayor's finance committee 0.93% tax hike recommendation and barreled ahead with a 5% tax increase that will be going to the public at open houses April 1st & 2nd before they ratify the tax increase at the April 20th council meeting after getting the public's input.
The 5% tax increase was moved by Councillor Bob Long and seconded by Councillor Grant Ward. Voting for the 5% tax increase as well were Councillors Jordan Bateman, Steve Ferguson, & Bev Dornan. Voting against the 5%
tax hike were Mayor Rick Green & Councillor Kim Richter. Councillor Charlie Fox voted against the 5% because he only wanted a 3.95% tax hike! Councillor Mel Kositsky was absent from the meeting.
See the attached Council time lines and LFP commentary to the right in the attached document for more details and clarification. Double mouse click on document to better view it.
The 5% tax increase was moved by Councillor Bob Long and seconded by Councillor Grant Ward. Voting for the 5% tax increase as well were Councillors Jordan Bateman, Steve Ferguson, & Bev Dornan. Voting against the 5%
See the attached Council time lines and LFP commentary to the right in the attached document for more details and clarification. Double mouse click on document to better view it.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Letter To LFP From Wally Martin Re: ALC Commisioner Donation to Clr. Bateman's Election Campaign - A Conflict of Interest?
Dear Editor
Do political campaign contributions come with strings attached?
Does John Tomlinson own a condo in Whistler?
The recent disclosure that John Tomlinson of the Agricultural Land Commission provided a large donation to Councillor Jordan Bateman in the last election is very disturbing.
Jordan Bateman has clearly stated his views on the agricultural land in the Milner valley and it would appear that it is going to push the Bateman/Falcon agenda through in spite of fierce opposition from the farmers in the area. Why is it that Tomlinson refuses to stand up for the farmers? It would appear to be a serious conflict.
The timing of the Tomlinson donation, November 23 2007, is when Councillor Jordan Bateman held his fund raising raffle. Was the Tomlinson donation one of the "raffle prizes"?
I did file a written complaint with the Gaming Enforcement Branch in regards to this "raffle prizes" matter and I am still waiting for a written reply. I did receive a phone call from the Gaming Enforcement Branch and I was told that they did not want to embarrass MLA Rich Coleman since Coleman was attending the raffle as a special guest. I will again demand that the Gaming Enforcement Branch deal with this matter in the light of this new disclosure of information.
One would almost assume that if you are closely aligned with Rich Coleman, Jordan Bateman, Gordon Campbell, and the BC Liberals that you can ignore the rules. I recall Bateman describing some of these people as "heavy hitters".
The fact is that John Tomlinson will be instrumental in deciding the fate of Langley farmland by building a road through the middle of the Milner valley, a proposal supported by Councillor Bateman, that is being forced upon the residents and farmers in Langley by the BC government.
Councillor Ferguson and the previous Mayor Alberts also both received Tomlinson donations. Ferguson seems to be arguing that the truckers are more important than the farmers.
All this has generated a great amount opposition in the community. This will be remembered as a dark day in the history of Langley.
Wally Martin ...
Do political campaign contributions come with strings attached?
Does John Tomlinson own a condo in Whistler?
The recent disclosure that John Tomlinson of the Agricultural Land Commission provided a large donation to Councillor Jordan Bateman in the last election is very disturbing.
Jordan Bateman has clearly stated his views on the agricultural land in the Milner valley and it would appear that it is going to push the Bateman/Falcon agenda through in spite of fierce opposition from the farmers in the area. Why is it that Tomlinson refuses to stand up for the farmers? It would appear to be a serious conflict.
The timing of the Tomlinson donation, November 23 2007, is when Councillor Jordan Bateman held his fund raising raffle. Was the Tomlinson donation one of the "raffle prizes"?
I did file a written complaint with the Gaming Enforcement Branch in regards to this "raffle prizes" matter and I am still waiting for a written reply. I did receive a phone call from the Gaming Enforcement Branch and I was told that they did not want to embarrass MLA Rich Coleman since Coleman was attending the raffle as a special guest. I will again demand that the Gaming Enforcement Branch deal with this matter in the light of this new disclosure of information.
One would almost assume that if you are closely aligned with Rich Coleman, Jordan Bateman, Gordon Campbell, and the BC Liberals that you can ignore the rules. I recall Bateman describing some of these people as "heavy hitters".
The fact is that John Tomlinson will be instrumental in deciding the fate of Langley farmland by building a road through the middle of the Milner valley, a proposal supported by Councillor Bateman, that is being forced upon the residents and farmers in Langley by the BC government.
Councillor Ferguson and the previous Mayor Alberts also both received Tomlinson donations. Ferguson seems to be arguing that the truckers are more important than the farmers.
All this has generated a great amount opposition in the community. This will be remembered as a dark day in the history of Langley.
Wally Martin ...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Overpass Opponents Take Protest To MLA Mary Polak's Office Against The Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere
Monday evening at 7 PM March 23 at Township council meeting (4th floor Presentation Center) they will again debate the motion to reconsider the Langley Township's previous 6 to 3 VOTE to build the Overpass that clearly the vast majority of the Langley taxpayers disagree with! BE THERE TO SUPPORT the reconsideration!
And now a Message from those that were at the protest:
Please forward to your friends.
Please pass the following link on to your family and friends regarding the news story that appeared on CTV last night. Langley citizens and farmers held a protest at MLA Mary Polak's office Friday, March 20th
See this link to CTV news and select Friday March 20th news and then move to time to the start of the story about Langley, it starts out with the general story about organizations promoting their message at 11:50 minutes into the broadcast, our Langley protest story starts at 12:56. The whole news clip is about 18 minutes long.
Wally Martin says " They are talking about building a highway and overpass through British Columbia's best farmland!"
Sonya Paterson says "We personally believe Mary Polak can lose her riding."
Watch the news broadcast, but more importantly send it on to your friends.
IF you have not signed the letter to Tony Pellet, please do. Print it out, sign it, mail it yourself or bring it to Council meeting on Monday March 23, 2008 when the 64th Ave/ Mufford Crescent overpass motion is brought back to the table. Please come out to show your support.
Please consider printing out the Petition and having your family and friends sign it. All you need is 15 signatures on one page. We need your help.
Thank you,
Sonya Paterson
Wally Martin
Princess and the Pea B&B
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lfp's Poetry Spot - Featuring "bad poet" - 5 DAYS TO GO
5 DAYS TO GO - by 'bad poet'
There’s 5 days to go till the next council meeting
The crowd will be huge- will there be enough seating
The debate on this issue gets hotter than hell
And that old Blog to Nowhere’s not going so well
As Bateman and Charlie and Dornan will find
Their support of this issue we will all keep in mind
We won’t forget Stevie he’s not off the hook
And Sir Councillor Ward and Long we will cook
Mayor Green and Ms. Richter and then there is Mel
They did the right thing-we all think the’re swell
So lets recap all that’s happened last week
It looked for awhile like things were real bleak
But there’s lots of support from near and afar
As people get ready with feathers and tar
The township’s abuzz with talk of support
From the Otter Co-op I’m pleased to report
There’s T-shirts for sale that say save our land
For those to wear proudly who will take a stand
At the meeting of council next week at the hall
So bring your best friend we’ll all have a ball
And the best part for me will be watching Mayor Green
And maybe that Ward guy won’t cause a big scene.
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
There’s 5 days to go till the next council meeting
The crowd will be huge- will there be enough seating
The debate on this issue gets hotter than hell
And that old Blog to Nowhere’s not going so well
As Bateman and Charlie and Dornan will find
Their support of this issue we will all keep in mind
We won’t forget Stevie he’s not off the hook
And Sir Councillor Ward and Long we will cook
Mayor Green and Ms. Richter and then there is Mel
They did the right thing-we all think the’re swell
So lets recap all that’s happened last week
It looked for awhile like things were real bleak
But there’s lots of support from near and afar
As people get ready with feathers and tar
The township’s abuzz with talk of support
From the Otter Co-op I’m pleased to report
There’s T-shirts for sale that say save our land
For those to wear proudly who will take a stand
At the meeting of council next week at the hall
So bring your best friend we’ll all have a ball
And the best part for me will be watching Mayor Green
And maybe that Ward guy won’t cause a big scene.
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Horny Toad Sources The Township Engineering Poll That Cost Us $9500.00 ! Re: The "Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere"
The Langley Township Taxpayers paid $9500.00 for this poll commissioned by (poll can be read and printed out from this LINK) The Township of Langley Engineering Department. Our Guest Columnist, Horny Toad, in his previous posting right here on LFP, said that his neighbor, who has a PHD in statistics, polls etc. from UBC said that in his opinion, the poll is basically “sh*t". Thanks once again to H. Toad for getting the poll to LFP and we definitely owe you a much coveted hat for your efforts. As said before citizen journalism at it's best by H. Toad! So was your $9500 of Township taxpayer money well spent, Mr & Mrs Langley Taxpayer?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
LFP's Langley Municipal Elections $ Versus Votes Analysis
and Then Your Also Able to Print it out as well
More detailed analysis of City & School Board & special Interest Group financials to come,
(Preliminary Spreadsheet replaced with Final version above. If any further errors are found please advise us about specific error.
Thanks. --- LFP ---)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wear "Save Our Farmland" T-Shirt To March 23rd 7pm Langley Township Council Meeting
By the Way, I guess to be fair Wally says he is also offering this "Pave Our Farmland" T-Shirt for those who I guess want more frequent & longer heavy trains and overpasses and long term Township Taxpayer debt to accommodate these trains. Again call Wally for these too.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Taxpayers Line Up Outside Otter Co-Op To Sign Up Saying NO To The Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere
UPDATE Mar15 @ 9:30pm - Sonya Paterson has informed LFP that at their booth outside the Otter Co-Op yesterday and today in only 10 hours produced the following amazing results. How can this Council ignore the overwhelming evidence AGAINST the overpass?
- 527 Petition signatures against the Overpass
- 417 Letters addressed to the ALC Against the Overpass
- 483 Overpass Surveys completed
The organizer, Sonya Paterson says that they will be there until 3 PM today. The Otter Co-Op is just south on 248 th Street at the Fraser Highway intersection. Among the many people helping her man the booth and answering questions are Wally Martin, Darlene Jonnston ,the Blackhall's from Fort Langley, the Omelaniec's , members of the Davis & Mufford (generational Langley farming families), Irene McKaig and more.
The ALC admits the overpass negatively affects prime farmland and the Otter Co-Op client base serves Langley's agricultural community more so than any other and the response there so far today has been phenomenal. On Monday night, March 23rd the Township council will be asked to reconsider it's decision to proceed on the overpass. The Township Council voted last Monday 6 to 3 in favour of the overpass with only Mayor Green and Councillors Richter and Kositsky opposing the overpass.
Sonya Paterson is encouraging all of the taxpayers to attend the Monday March 23rd evening Langley Township council meeting at 7 PM to support the Mayor Green motion to reconsider the overpass. This is a the final opportunity to keep the Langley we love and say NO to the overpass and NO to the heavy rail traffic cutting through the heart of Langley!The council meeting is in the Council presentation theatre on the 4th floor at 20338 65 Ave. ...
Friday, March 13, 2009
ALC Says: Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere "Will Adversely Impact Agriculture" - (P.S. 10 Fold Debt Cost Increase Coming!)
"..will adversely impact agriculture..." !
See, the actual 5 pages of the ALC decision further below. Also it specifies the seven (7) ALC terms and conditions that MUST be met for this agricultural land use application to go forward. The key question in the ALC conditions is how does this proposal " enable agriculture in the area affected in the road project to be more agriculturally productive following the project than it now is prior to the project." ? In addition what penalties are there if not met, and at what cost to meet them (are they at all presently budgeted for in the $51 million or is this another cost overun?) and what cost implications are there as well (i.e. The additional eight (8) conditions that Township Council put on this prior to approving it) ?It is curious to note who moved the ALC motion (shown on Page 3 below). It would also be curious to ask whether or not this individual has current or past political connections to Councillor Jordan Bateman, President of the Fort Langley/Aldergrove provincial Liberal constituency association, MLA Rich Coleman, MLA Mary Polak and MLA/Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon who recently vetoed any other overpass plan but this one (See Falcon's "build it or lose it" letter here).
To view or print the complete 5 page ALC decision double mouse click each of the following page links. (Some may take a few minutes to upload especially the context map).
- Page 1 ALC Cover Page
- Page 2 ALC Context Map
- Page 3 ALC Conclusion
- Page 4 ALC Minutes
- Page 5 ALC Minutes continued
In 2009 the annual Langley Township debt servicing cost will be $223,000 per year. In 2010 thanks to the addition of this "Bateman/Falcon Liberal Overpass To Nowhere" project among others the annual Langley Township debt servicing cost will increase by more than 10 fold to $2,486,000 per year! Thank you to all those good spendthrift B.C. Liberals who made this historic debt increase happen in Langley Township. Surely there must be some Liberals in Langley and Victoria who don't like to increase spending, taxation and debt!....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Guest Columnist: Horny Toad - Researcher Extraordinaire On Township Overpass B***S*** Poll!
And speaking of the questions on the telephone poll conducted by Synovate I now have a copy of the polling questions and results as commissioned by the engineering dept. I emailed the mayor last night at about 8.30, he got back to me at 9.30 , I phoned his secretary this morning and had a copy by email this afternoon. (as an aside, I emailed Clr. Bev Dornan 2 days ago and got no reply at all)
I read this poll and had some questions so I took it to my neighbor who has a PHD in statistics, polls etc. from UBC. His comment was that the poll is basically “sh*t". I said OK, but can you be more specific.
In fairness to the mayor or anyone else who is not an expert in polling (including myself) knowing the questions and agreeing to them is irrelevant if you don't understand the intracasies of polling..
First of all 401 household heads were called.
The first question was:
“Are you aware of the proposal to build a new road and overpass at 64th Ave/Mufford and Highway 10 to allow car traffic to be routed over the railway track.”
64% (256) said yes and 36%(144) said they were not aware. My expert neighbor says those 144 who knew nothing of the overpass should have been told “thank you” and disregarded. But they were allowed to continue on in the questions asked in the poll. This becomes important later on. Also this question is somewhat misleading because the overpass in nowhere near Highway 10, in fact it will be almost ½ mile north.
The next question was:
“Overall, do you support or oppose the plan to build the overpass or do you not have an opinion either way?”
49% said they supported it.
My question here is “how many of the 36% who said they knew nothing of this overpass were included in the 49%?”
They then went on to ask various questions as to why or why not you support or oppose it.
Question number 5 then asks:
“Now that you’ve heard some of the reasons for and against the overpass, would you prefer to see the project go ahead or be canceled.”
So they took the 36% who said they knew nothing about the overpass and told them the pros and cons( at least that they decided were cons) and then asked them to make an informed decision. This is ludicrous. How can you take someone who has not even heard about the overpass and ask them "do you think it will use too much farmland" and expect an intelligent answer.
One of the other reasons my friend condemned this poll is because of the use of "double barreled" questions.
For example one question says do you agree:
"the overpass will improve safety by separating rail trafffic from car traffic AND enhance emergency service response times".
There are really two questions but you may not agree with both yet you can't say yes to one and no to the other".
If you take the people who were polled (401) and look at the 49% in favor (196) compare that to the number of questionnaires collected at the open house(I THINK the number is between 3-400 but not sure) and take Jordan's figure of 75% against that works out to 225-300 against.
The other thing to keep in mind is that of the 64% who indicated they were aware of the overpass there would be varying degrees of knowledge ranging from “they heard about it” to “they were very informed”.
On the other hand those who went to the open house, if they weren’t real interested and informed before would certainly be very knowledgeable when they filled out the questionnaire.
So you tell me which group represents the citizens of the township.
Mayor Green was right when he called this a sham!
Researched and submitted by
Horny Toad - 03.12.09 at 10:36 pm...
I read this poll and had some questions so I took it to my neighbor who has a PHD in statistics, polls etc. from UBC. His comment was that the poll is basically “sh*t". I said OK, but can you be more specific.
In fairness to the mayor or anyone else who is not an expert in polling (including myself) knowing the questions and agreeing to them is irrelevant if you don't understand the intracasies of polling..
First of all 401 household heads were called.
The first question was:
“Are you aware of the proposal to build a new road and overpass at 64th Ave/Mufford and Highway 10 to allow car traffic to be routed over the railway track.”
64% (256) said yes and 36%(144) said they were not aware. My expert neighbor says those 144 who knew nothing of the overpass should have been told “thank you” and disregarded. But they were allowed to continue on in the questions asked in the poll. This becomes important later on. Also this question is somewhat misleading because the overpass in nowhere near Highway 10, in fact it will be almost ½ mile north.
The next question was:
“Overall, do you support or oppose the plan to build the overpass or do you not have an opinion either way?”
49% said they supported it.
My question here is “how many of the 36% who said they knew nothing of this overpass were included in the 49%?”
They then went on to ask various questions as to why or why not you support or oppose it.
Question number 5 then asks:
“Now that you’ve heard some of the reasons for and against the overpass, would you prefer to see the project go ahead or be canceled.”
So they took the 36% who said they knew nothing about the overpass and told them the pros and cons( at least that they decided were cons) and then asked them to make an informed decision. This is ludicrous. How can you take someone who has not even heard about the overpass and ask them "do you think it will use too much farmland" and expect an intelligent answer.
One of the other reasons my friend condemned this poll is because of the use of "double barreled" questions.
For example one question says do you agree:
"the overpass will improve safety by separating rail trafffic from car traffic AND enhance emergency service response times".
There are really two questions but you may not agree with both yet you can't say yes to one and no to the other".
If you take the people who were polled (401) and look at the 49% in favor (196) compare that to the number of questionnaires collected at the open house(I THINK the number is between 3-400 but not sure) and take Jordan's figure of 75% against that works out to 225-300 against.
The other thing to keep in mind is that of the 64% who indicated they were aware of the overpass there would be varying degrees of knowledge ranging from “they heard about it” to “they were very informed”.
On the other hand those who went to the open house, if they weren’t real interested and informed before would certainly be very knowledgeable when they filled out the questionnaire.
So you tell me which group represents the citizens of the township.
Mayor Green was right when he called this a sham!
Researched and submitted by
Horny Toad - 03.12.09 at 10:36 pm...
B.C. Rail paid Liberal insider (The Province, 12 Mar 2009, Page A9)
Does something stink here folks? See also the Victoria Times Colonist story and the Vancouver Sun Vaughn Palmer editorial all on the same story. Remember the RCMP legislature raids and the now famous so called 'Basi Gate' court case that in this Editor's opinion has been stymied at every junction with on going procedural wrangling that has delayed this whole case for what seems like ages so far with considerable assistance it would seem from the provincial government. What are they trying to hide? What and when is the stink going to reveal itself and it's sources? Note the desperation to keep a lid on all of this until the election is over.
B.C. Rail paid Liberal insider
Michael Smyth
The Province
12 Mar 2009
Patrick Kinsella, a friend of Premier Gordon Campbell and one of the most powerful string-pullers in the B.C. Liberal party, has made a killing on government contracts since guiding his pals to power in 2001. Kinsella was co-chairman of the more...
Michael Smyth
The Province
12 Mar 2009
Patrick Kinsella, a friend of Premier Gordon Campbell and one of the most powerful string-pullers in the B.C. Liberal party, has made a killing on government contracts since guiding his pals to power in 2001. Kinsella was co-chairman of the more...
Stonewally to the fore as NDP pounds Kinsella connection
Stonewally to the fore as NDP pounds Kinsella connection
B.C. Liberals silent on payments to party official
B.C. Liberals silent on payments to party official
Stonewally to the fore as NDP pounds Kinsella connection
Stonewally to the fore as NDP pounds Kinsella connection
B.C. Liberals silent on payments to party official
B.C. Liberals silent on payments to party official
Monday, March 09, 2009
Lfp's Poetry Spot - Featuring "bad poet" - THE FINANCIAL WIZZARDS
Bateman never met a dollar he didn’t like to spend
Especially when directed by coleman his friend
No matter the interest and all of the rest
If his name can be on it that’s really the best
Now fergie the teacher, a misnomer of sorts
His whining and crying when giving reports
Says mayor is a meanie and tells him a lie
So he can’t make the meeting oh how he can cry
A real piece of work is councilor Ward
Don’t call me Grant just call me “my lord”
So they passed the rail thingy I’ll bet they are proud
Cost overruns,who cares, don’t say it out loud
Its not a P3, a financial disaster
But the’re spending the money it seems a lot faster.
5 million-9 million, gee it seems kinda funny
First thing you know it will seem like real money
While we’re scratching and clawing to save a few bucks
The 4 big time spenders shovel it off of the trucks
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
Bateman never met a dollar he didn’t like to spend
Especially when directed by coleman his friend
No matter the interest and all of the rest
If his name can be on it that’s really the best
Now fergie the teacher, a misnomer of sorts
His whining and crying when giving reports
Says mayor is a meanie and tells him a lie
So he can’t make the meeting oh how he can cry
A real piece of work is councilor Ward
Don’t call me Grant just call me “my lord”
So they passed the rail thingy I’ll bet they are proud
Cost overruns,who cares, don’t say it out loud
Its not a P3, a financial disaster
But the’re spending the money it seems a lot faster.
5 million-9 million, gee it seems kinda funny
First thing you know it will seem like real money
While we’re scratching and clawing to save a few bucks
The 4 big time spenders shovel it off of the trucks
bad poet
Editor's Note: 'bad poet' is a satirical political poet very welcome here on LFP! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poems slowly, one line at a time for the best rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
Lfp's Poetry Spot - Featuring "bad poet" - THE FOUR STOOGES
We had an election in two thousand and eight
After years of more taxes that wasn’t so great
A man named Rick Green promised much more for less
Most people sure liked him especially the press
He won the election, that man named Rick Green
His election committee- a well oiled machine
But alas and alak joy was cut short
As councilor Ward showed his lack of support
For within a few day of the election results
Concilor Ward started hurling nasty insults
He told our new mayor- hey listen up bub
You’d best not be going against our old club
We had it real cozy with the mayor from the fort
And were not fond of changes-we’ll cut you off short
So with fergie and foxy and Bateman on board
They set out to stir up a lot of discord
The financial committee –now the Mufford rail thing
Four financial blind mice –what next will they bring
Will they vote for the people for whom they should act
Because if they don’t next time they’ll be sacked
bad poet
Editor's Note: Wow! Great! A satirical political poet on LFP! How innovative! Can we expect more Bad Poet? Very creative though, thanks for the chuckle! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poem slowly one line at a time for the rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest I'm sure as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
We had an election in two thousand and eight
After years of more taxes that wasn’t so great
A man named Rick Green promised much more for less
Most people sure liked him especially the press
He won the election, that man named Rick Green
His election committee- a well oiled machine
But alas and alak joy was cut short
As councilor Ward showed his lack of support
For within a few day of the election results
Concilor Ward started hurling nasty insults
He told our new mayor- hey listen up bub
You’d best not be going against our old club
We had it real cozy with the mayor from the fort
And were not fond of changes-we’ll cut you off short
So with fergie and foxy and Bateman on board
They set out to stir up a lot of discord
The financial committee –now the Mufford rail thing
Four financial blind mice –what next will they bring
Will they vote for the people for whom they should act
Because if they don’t next time they’ll be sacked
bad poet
Editor's Note: Wow! Great! A satirical political poet on LFP! How innovative! Can we expect more Bad Poet? Very creative though, thanks for the chuckle! Hey LFP readers, CLUE - read Bad Poet poem slowly one line at a time for the rhyming lyrical poetry effect! Hilarious and all meant in jest I'm sure as satirical political comedy/commentary! Anyone else want to tryout for LFP's poetry spot? Submit yours too!...
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Bateman/Falcon Overpass To Nowhere And Gateway mega-projects running into opposition (The Province, 08 Mar 2009, Page A12)
The public is overwhelmingly anti BATEMAN/FALCON's Langley Overpass. Even our Langley Times Editor (Kudos - he also now points his finger clearly to Clr. Bateman's symbiotic Liberal/Coleman relationship that pretty much guarantees his compliance with anything Provincial Liberal!) is not enthralled with the decision that council has to make.
And Minister Falcon is absolutely WRONG & INCORRECT (I'm being polite and not using the words, big fat lie!) when he strongly infers on this Friday's Bill Good radio show that the previous Township Mayor spent 2 and a half years of "consultative process" before our new Mayor Green supposedly 'AGAIN' wants to "go back to starting the consultative process over" ! There was no consultative public process in the whole two and half years! See the CKNW audio vaults for Falcon's erroneous and/or misleading answer to a taxpayer questioning his Langley overpass tactics and decision. Again there was NO public input in the past 2 and a half years! NOT until way after the election! The only open houses and real public debate was initiated finally under Mayor Green's council and NEVER, EVER by the previous Mayor's council! Is this the democracy, consultative process and transparency that Minister Falcon and his desperately wannabee Mayor or MLA or whatever, Clr. Jordan Bateman espouse as "consultative"? Or do they mean secretive behind closed door "consultative" with a final ultimatum financial gun pointed to the Langley Taxpayer's head?
What people don't understand is that the Clr. Bateman's 'Gang of 4' led council's run away financial fiasco train (forgive the pun) is still hurtling towards even more out of control financial decisions. His 'Gang of 4' have still not come to grips with the world wide recession, scratch that, depression! As proof, watch the, I predict, continuing Bateman's 'Gang of 4' sabotaging and hijacking of the Township budget process with I again confidently predict they will forcibly be trying to push the Township budget again to at least the standard Bateman annual 5%+ (oops-- 4.99%--lol) annual compounded increases! Just spend, spend, tax & borrow! Bateman's 'Gang of 4' ever increasing Taxpayer's past hit list consists of, to name just a few, moving record high tax increases, record project cost overruns like the Grandstand, driving the LEC at least $5 million over it's initial budget without even a proper P3 contract, taking Langley into higher & higher levels of debt and now pushing for an overpass to nowhere, that we must again go into massive debt for. Adding insult to injury this overpass still leaves the Langley bypass plugged with the increasingly massive long heavy trains to come FOREVER I might add while bisecting the heart of the Langley's with a ribbon of dirty, loud and increasingly longer and frequent steel heavy trains!
Maybe our expensive Tourism Langley can figure out how to make this a tourist attraction like building another Bateman Grandstand to view the colourful train graffiti perhaps as they go by every 20 minutes for 20 minutes?
Finally and most importantly, the Township is going to borrow an additional $9 million for our share of the BATEMAN/FALCON overpass that we are FORCED to borrow (due to the sponsered Clr. Bateman continued year after year spending spree) at an annual debt repayment burden of $767, 000.00 for each and every year for the next 20 years for a grand total of $15,344,000.00 NOT the original $9 million! Did you know that the $767,000.00 annual debt repayment for the BATEMAN/FALCON overpass is equal to well over to an annual 1% tax increase to Langley Taxpayers! Can we really afford the Bateman 'Gang of 4' council any more?
And Folks, we have yet to be told the details of what the Liberal gifted Langley Events Centre annual operating cost that WE the Township taxpayers will be paying for each & every year too! I can hardly wait for this secret to get out of the bag and the political spin from the financial fiasco Clr. Bateman's 'Gang of 4' financial wizards!
In any event this Editor NOW predicts this vote:
The YES Side: Bateman, Fox, Ward, Long, Dornan
(Dornan the only remote possible swing vote? Meanwhile watch the 'Gang of 4' try to mitigate their decision in the voter's perception that they will still lobby to reroute heavy trains out of the Langleys (Fox's B.S. Motion!) ! Watch for Them all say we can't turn down $40 million but we will valiantly fight to reroute heavy rail! Yeah right, B.S.! What a joke because this is just a smokescreen to mitigate compliance to the Bateman/Falcon overpass to nowhere when they know full well that approving the overpass even more so guarantees NO CHANGE to heavy rail routing! What a scam)
The NO Side: Green,Kositsky,Richter,Ferguson
(Ferguson the only remote possible swing vote? Remember Fergie was pretty low on the last election tally and the long list of historical Langley families and their contacts, not to mention 600 petitioners, is enough of a serious concern to force Fergie breaking temporarily from his Gang of 4? But just temporarily! Gee, How do you spell political expediency or survival? )
LFP Prediction is 5 - 4 YES to the Overpass!
Gateway mega-projects running into opposition
Brian Lewis
The Province
08 Mar 2009
The full impacts from two proposed Gateway-related mega-projects directly linked to Deltaport’s expansion are beginning to register at street level. As of Friday afternoon, for example, a small group of protesters were on their fifth day of more...
And Minister Falcon is absolutely WRONG & INCORRECT (I'm being polite and not using the words, big fat lie!) when he strongly infers on this Friday's Bill Good radio show that the previous Township Mayor spent 2 and a half years of "consultative process" before our new Mayor Green supposedly 'AGAIN' wants to "go back to starting the consultative process over" ! There was no consultative public process in the whole two and half years! See the CKNW audio vaults for Falcon's erroneous and/or misleading answer to a taxpayer questioning his Langley overpass tactics and decision. Again there was NO public input in the past 2 and a half years! NOT until way after the election! The only open houses and real public debate was initiated finally under Mayor Green's council and NEVER, EVER by the previous Mayor's council! Is this the democracy, consultative process and transparency that Minister Falcon and his desperately wannabee Mayor or MLA or whatever, Clr. Jordan Bateman espouse as "consultative"? Or do they mean secretive behind closed door "consultative" with a final ultimatum financial gun pointed to the Langley Taxpayer's head?
What people don't understand is that the Clr. Bateman's 'Gang of 4' led council's run away financial fiasco train (forgive the pun) is still hurtling towards even more out of control financial decisions. His 'Gang of 4' have still not come to grips with the world wide recession, scratch that, depression! As proof, watch the, I predict, continuing Bateman's 'Gang of 4' sabotaging and hijacking of the Township budget process with I again confidently predict they will forcibly be trying to push the Township budget again to at least the standard Bateman annual 5%+ (oops-- 4.99%--lol) annual compounded increases! Just spend, spend, tax & borrow! Bateman's 'Gang of 4' ever increasing Taxpayer's past hit list consists of, to name just a few, moving record high tax increases, record project cost overruns like the Grandstand, driving the LEC at least $5 million over it's initial budget without even a proper P3 contract, taking Langley into higher & higher levels of debt and now pushing for an overpass to nowhere, that we must again go into massive debt for. Adding insult to injury this overpass still leaves the Langley bypass plugged with the increasingly massive long heavy trains to come FOREVER I might add while bisecting the heart of the Langley's with a ribbon of dirty, loud and increasingly longer and frequent steel heavy trains!
Maybe our expensive Tourism Langley can figure out how to make this a tourist attraction like building another Bateman Grandstand to view the colourful train graffiti perhaps as they go by every 20 minutes for 20 minutes?
Finally and most importantly, the Township is going to borrow an additional $9 million for our share of the BATEMAN/FALCON overpass that we are FORCED to borrow (due to the sponsered Clr. Bateman continued year after year spending spree) at an annual debt repayment burden of $767, 000.00 for each and every year for the next 20 years for a grand total of $15,344,000.00 NOT the original $9 million! Did you know that the $767,000.00 annual debt repayment for the BATEMAN/FALCON overpass is equal to well over to an annual 1% tax increase to Langley Taxpayers! Can we really afford the Bateman 'Gang of 4' council any more?
And Folks, we have yet to be told the details of what the Liberal gifted Langley Events Centre annual operating cost that WE the Township taxpayers will be paying for each & every year too! I can hardly wait for this secret to get out of the bag and the political spin from the financial fiasco Clr. Bateman's 'Gang of 4' financial wizards!
In any event this Editor NOW predicts this vote:
The YES Side: Bateman, Fox, Ward, Long, Dornan
(Dornan the only remote possible swing vote? Meanwhile watch the 'Gang of 4' try to mitigate their decision in the voter's perception that they will still lobby to reroute heavy trains out of the Langleys (Fox's B.S. Motion!) ! Watch for Them all say we can't turn down $40 million but we will valiantly fight to reroute heavy rail! Yeah right, B.S.! What a joke because this is just a smokescreen to mitigate compliance to the Bateman/Falcon overpass to nowhere when they know full well that approving the overpass even more so guarantees NO CHANGE to heavy rail routing! What a scam)
The NO Side: Green,Kositsky,Richter,Ferguson
(Ferguson the only remote possible swing vote? Remember Fergie was pretty low on the last election tally and the long list of historical Langley families and their contacts, not to mention 600 petitioners, is enough of a serious concern to force Fergie breaking temporarily from his Gang of 4? But just temporarily! Gee, How do you spell political expediency or survival? )
LFP Prediction is 5 - 4 YES to the Overpass!
Brian Lewis
The Province
08 Mar 2009
The full impacts from two proposed Gateway-related mega-projects directly linked to Deltaport’s expansion are beginning to register at street level. As of Friday afternoon, for example, a small group of protesters were on their fifth day of more...
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Langley divided over increased rail traffic (The Province, 01 Mar 2009, Page A17)
LFP Prediction is that the Councillor Jordan Bateman's Liberal influence will force ahead with the overpass as submitted. Vote will be 6-3 to build it. Guess who the 3 are and who the 6 are!
Langley divided over increased rail traffic
Brian Lewis
The Province
01 Mar 2009
When the Township of Langley’s eight councillors and Mayor Rick Green hold their regular meeting tomorrow, they’ll face a highly irregular challenge. It’s not every day that a single council meeting has such potential to impact the community more...
Brian Lewis
The Province
01 Mar 2009
When the Township of Langley’s eight councillors and Mayor Rick Green hold their regular meeting tomorrow, they’ll face a highly irregular challenge. It’s not every day that a single council meeting has such potential to impact the community more...
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