Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Susan Semonick On Schools - Amalgamate, Amalgamate, Amalgamate

I do agree with Mr. Bysouth and Mr. Woode. Amalgamation would better utilize our tax dollars by cutting down on the cost of politicians thereby leaving more money for services without increasing taxes.

There is one thing though that people should realize - that even though the school district is considered a single area, right now no voter has a say on who will sit in each and every seat on the Board.

There is no voter parity. The voters in the City who are determined to change the make-up of the Board at the next election do not have the power to make that change as they can only vote for two of the seats, not all seven. And yet, as we have seen this past year, it is the decision of those trustees who they CAN NOT elect who can make the difference in their children’s education. Is this right?

It was stated at the last Board meeting that approximately 400 Aldergrove parents have expressed their concerns about placing a middle school program in a Secondary. They are now looking at a stand alone 6-8 middle in that area. We will not know until the new year but it certainly looks like the trustees will listen. Yet, when well over 700 parents stated their concerns about a middle school in the city nothing was changed. Why? Could one of the reasons be that those people do not vote for the majority of the Board? There is a way to correct this and there is still time before the next election. Go to www.members.shaw.ca/amalgamateschoolboard and sign the petition. If there is enough renewed interest, I will send it by May to the Minister of Education.

Wishing voter parity

Susan Semonick

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