Monday, December 15, 2008

Mayor Rick Green Drops Langley Events Centre Bombshell - There Is No Signed P3 Agreement! (Part 1 of 6)

Tonight's Langley Township Council council meeting was shocking in it's revelations. First Mayor Rick Green drops the P3 bombshell of an announcement followed by even more that:
  • There is no signed, nor has there ever been a P3 (Private, public Partnership) agreement in place for the Langley Events Centre. Yet it is almost complete! The township taxpayers are exposed to financial risk negotiating a P3 agreement after the fact with only a simple construction contract in place. This is highly irregular and could be very costly for Langley Taxpayers.
  • The Langley Events Centre was initially started as an equal partnership of of 3 parties of $15 million paid by each of the 3 partners. $15 million Township taxpayers, $15 m Private Partner and $15 m Province of BC. Mayor Green announces that while the private and BC portions are still $15 million the Township taxpayer paid portion has ballooned to $22.9 million or a 50% increase over the initial budget announced to the public. Sadly everyone can still say rightfully so that its on budget but this is because the previous Township Council has continually approved increasing it's budget just as they did last week when Cllr. Richter was away.!
  • He also stated that the recent ANONYMOUS broadcast emails about the Langley Events Centre are lies, just as the previous Fire Department ANONYMOUS broadcast emails were. He essentially said that there is no choice due to important commitments but that the project must and will be completed and funded from other Township taxpayer sources and/or acquiring more Township taxpayer debt. He has never had nor will have any intentions to not properly fund completion. Hence he essentially said that the broadcast emails are lies.
  • Mayor Green says the anonymous broadcast emails besides being lies are being promoted by those who are still fighting the last election and/or the next election. He says it would take no more than 5 seconds to determine and to point to the source of the emails and that they are purely politically motivated.
  • Green asked the council in his same Mayor's report to rescind last week's funding decision on the Events Centre and to send it to the Township finance review committee. He pointed out that it would not affect the completion of the project at all.
  • When Councillor Richter after his speech put this very same motion forward NOT one of the councillors seconded the motion, not even for discussion! In fact when Councillor Richter was attempting to read out her motion both councillors Bateman & Kositsky interupted her presentation on a point of order in an attempt to truncate her presentation of her motion.
To view the whole sequence as it happened view these fascinating three (3) videos. To view each video mouse click minutes before description:
  • (6:23 min) Mayor Green's Bombshell of the P3 not being signed.
  • (1:43 min) Mayor Green's continuation about Broadcast email lies
  • (1:41 minutes) Cllr. Richter's motion to refer last week's Events centre budget update to the budget process which was not seconded, not even for discussion even after Mayor Green's very same plea and his P3 bombshell announcement!
  • To view Mayor Green's speech in PDF written format.
See other related LFP Postings Parts: (6 of 6) (5 of 6) (4 of 6) (3 of 6) (2 of 6)

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