NEWS UPDATE: See The Province for article and large picture of Arnason on page A9. Stay tuned for news on legal action.
You heard it here first! Read the Province in the next few days as they will be reporting that legal action will be commenced against the township over their refusal to apply their own bylaws against themselves. "Do as I say not as I do!" Specifically the Province will be further reporting on Township Council's refusal to act upon the delegation by local resident Petrina Arnason who brought the matter to council's attention regarding tree removal planned in our township parkland in contravention of their own township bylaw! Great 'Good Ole Boy's Club Council' bylaw inaction, don't you think?
Langley Township could now also essentially cut down ALL the trees in the newly acquired Redwoods golf course without any recourse just because Township refuses to conform to their own bylaw! Another 'Double Standard' first for the good ole boys!
Oh, by the way Cllr. Kim Richter after hearing Arnason's valid concern about the double standard moved a motion to amend the Township bylaw to rectify this situation. You guessed it, her motion was not even seconded for discussion by the rest of Council, the 'good ole boys'! Maybe they think if you ignore the truth it will just go away....